

  • 12
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 广东省 深圳市 南山区 南山街道 南山社区 南山区珠光北路142号2栋5层
  • 姓名: 梅莉
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


  • 所属行业:安防 防伪技术产品
  • 发布日期:2014-11-25
  • 阅读量:643
  • 价格:2.88 元/套 起
  • 产品规格:ld-9900-mt
  • 产品数量:200000.00 套
  • 包装说明:塑料袋
  • 发货地址:广东深圳南山区南山街道南山社区  
  • 关键词:金融管理系统指纹模组,银行指纹仪


    高科技发展的今天指纹识别技术已经成熟,因为每个人包括指纹在内的皮肤纹路在图案、断点和交叉点上各不相同,是一的,并且终生不变。通过他的指纹和预先保存的指纹进行比较,就可以验证他的真实身份。其应用日益普遍,除了刑事侦察用之外,在民用方面已非常广泛,如指纹门禁系统、指纹考勤系统、银行指纹储蓄系统、银行指纹保管箱、指纹医疗保险系统、计划生育指纹管理系统、幼儿接送指纹管理系统、指纹献血管理系统、证券交易指纹系统、指纹枪械管理系统、智能建筑指纹门禁管理系统、驾驶员指纹管理系统等。指纹模块High tech development today fingerprint recognition technology is mature,because everyone including the fingerprint, skin texture in the pattern, the breakpoint and cross point on each are not identical, is the only, and the same for life. Through his fingerprints and pre stored fingerprint comparison,can verify his identity. Its application is becoming more and more popular, in addition to the criminal reconnaissance, in the civil context has been very extensively, such as fingerprint access control system, fingerprint attendance system, bank saving system, fingerprint safe, fingerprint bank of medical insurance system, family planning fingerprint management system,kindergarten shuttle fingerprint management system management system,fingerprint blood donation, securities trading system, fingerprint fingerprintfirearm management system, intelligent building management system,fingerprint access control driver fingerprint management system etc..
    指纹模块ZAZ-010-B series of independent fingerprint recognition module is in Shenzhen City, a small volume integrated fingerprint module ang Technology Co., Ltd. R & D and manufacturing launched. Based on the high-speed DSPprocessor as the core, combined with the optical fingerprint sensor withindependent intellectual property, without the computer to participate in the management of the case, the intelligent module with the function of fingerprintinput, image processing, fingerprint matching, searching and template storageetc.. The user can develop two times, can be embedded into a variety ofterminal products, such as: access control, attendance, safe, car lock etc..
    指纹模块Technical parameters:
    供电电压:DC 3.6~6.0V
    指纹模块Power supply voltage: DC 3.6~6.0V
    指纹模块Working current: 100mA (typ)
    指纹模块The peak current: 150mA
    指纹模块The time of fingerprint image input: <; 0.5 seconds
    指纹模块The window size: 14 x 18mm
    指纹模块Verification: support the fingerprint verification (1:1) and fingerprint search(1:N)
    指纹模块Profile: 256 bytes
    指纹模块Template file: 512 bytes
    指纹模块Storage capacity: 1000
    指纹模块Security level: level five (from low to high: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    指纹模块False accept rate (FAR): ≤ 0.00001% (safety grade 3)
    拒真率(FAR):≤0.0001% (安全等级为3时)
    指纹模块FRR (FAR): ≤ 0.0001% (safety grade 3)
    指纹模块The search time: 1 seconds (<; 1:1000, mean)
    指纹模块Computer interface: UART (TTL logic level) or USB1.1
    通讯波特率(UART):(9600×N)bps 其中N=1~12(默认值N=6,即57600bps)
    指纹模块The communication baud rate (UART): (9600 x N) BPS where N=1 ~ 12 (the default value of N=6, namely 57600bps)
    指纹模块Work environment:
    温度:-40°C 至 +70°C
    指纹模块Temperature: -40 ° C to +70 ° C
    指纹模块Relative humidity: 40%RH-85%RH (no treatment)
    指纹模块Dimensions: (LXWXH) 56 x 20 x 23mm
    ● 指纹模块ZAZ-010-B的特点:
    指纹模块The characteristics of the fingerprint module ZAZ-010-B:
    1. 指纹模块功能完善:独立完成指纹的采集,指纹的比对,指纹储存等。
    指纹模块1 fingerprint module functions: independent complete fingerprint acquisition,fingerprint matching, fingerprint storage.
    2. 残留指纹:是指指纹在登记或验证后在模块上留下的指纹印(主要油污引起),而我们的指纹模块,启动门锁,指纹头在不同的光线照射下门锁都不能自动开关锁。
    指纹模块The 2 remaining fingerprint: fingerprint left on the module refers to theregistration or verify the fingerprint (mainly pollution cause), and fingerprintmodule, we start a door lock, fingerprint head in a different light irradiation can not automatically switch lock door lock.
    3. **低功耗:产品整体功耗较低,同时提供休眠控制接口,适用于低功耗要求的场合。
    指纹模块3 ultra low power consumption: the overall power consumption of products is very low, while providing the dormancy control interface, suitable for low powerapplications.
    4. 抗静电能力强:具有很强的抗静电能力,抗静电指标达到15KV以上。
    指纹模块4 anti-static ability: strong antistatic ability, anti static index reached more than 15KV.
    5. 应用开发简单:开发者可根据提供的控制指令,自行指纹应用产品的开发,*具备专业的指纹识别知识。
    指纹模块5 application is simple: developers can provide according to the controlinstruction, developed by fingerprint application products, without the need forfingerprint recognition of professional knowledge.
    6. 安全等级可调:适用于不同的应用场合,安全等级可由用户设定调整。
    指纹模块6 security level adjustable: suitable for different applications, security level can be set by the user to adjust.
    7. 易用性强:大面积指纹采集区,轻触式指纹采集过程,轻松易用。
    指纹模块7 easy-to-use: large area of fingerprint acquisition area, touch fingerprint acquisition process, easy to use.
    8. 指纹模块抗震动性好:适合在门锁、汽车上带震动冲击的场合。
    指纹模块8 fingerprint module of good shock resistant performance: for vibration in the door lock, the car.
    ● 指纹模块ZAZ-010-B的优势:
    ● fingerprint module ZAZ-010-B advantage:
    ﹡ 体积小巧:一体式指纹模块与市场上的采集头相比,体积更小,更利于客户设计出更为美观、新颖的产品。
    指纹模块* small size: art, collecting head integrated fingerprint module with the smaller,more conducive to the customer to design more beautiful, innovative products.
    ﹡ 适应性强:采集表面经过高科技特殊处理,对各类指纹都有较好的适应性,特别在寒冷的北方到了冬天手指干裂、脱皮指纹采集非常困难,此款指纹模块在指纹采集和比对上具有较高的辨识率和稳定性能。
    指纹模块* adaptability: collecting surface after special processing technology, has excellent adaptability to various fingerprint, especially in winter, peelingchapped fingers fingerprint acquisition is very difficult in the cold north, the recognition rate and the stability of the fingerprint module with high in the fingerprint collection and comparison.
    ﹡ 自动感应上电:人体激活指纹采集头,手指按压时*按钮便会自动感应上电开始工作这是我们的**。
    指纹模块* automatic induction electric: human activated fingerprint acquisition head, nobutton pressing will be automatic induction power began to work this is our patent.

    欢迎来到深圳市龙盾信息工程有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省深圳市南山区南山区珠光北路142号2栋5层,老板是黎斌。 主要经营以指纹模块延伸出的指纹仪、指纹锁及指纹防盗门,也广泛应用于企事业单位、金融银行、**、公安*和居家安全等领域,我们以优秀的科技成果、优质的高新产品、优良的人本服务赢得了市场的认可与尊重。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 1000 - 5000 万元。 我公司工程技术人员多名,技术力量强大,具有多年的生产经验,工艺水平**,产品质量严格把关。